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Hello BFW attendees!

We are just under 10 weeks away from the kick off to Birmingham Fetish Weekend and as plans come together for the workshop tasters, as prizes start arriving for the big charity raffle and while the votes pile up in the BBB awards, the last thing we want to be dealing with is a venue change…but here we are!

Unfortunately we received a phone call informing us that as of the end of August the venue is no longer a rentable space.

Thankfully, with the support of the Nightingale we have been able to relocate BFW to various floors of the Nightingale over the planned weekend, October 13-15. Whilst this is amazing news at such short notice it does have a knock on effect as to how the event will run and also our accessibility levels, for this we can only apologise. The change will also affect our capacity so our limited tickets just become a bit more limited.

For anyone with mobility issues who is concerned about the effects on their experience, please pop us an email and once floor plans have been confirmed we can discuss options or refunds depending on what suits you and your situation.

We want to thank all of our Sponsors, Hosting teams and crew for their support during this time, you have all been wonderful. Thank you to those who have already purchased tickets for BFW and anyone who has shown us support online or in person. It may not be the way we originally planned but we will make this work.

We have a lot to replan and of course it's BBB week so we will be editing all of our events and website pages over the next two week so keep your eyes out for BFW #version2

Much love

Faye and beastie


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